
Easter 2024

Easter is the time of year believers acknowledge Christ’s resurrection from the dead after He had been crucified.  We believe this happened on the third day after His death, just as He said it would happen.  John 20:1 says, “Now on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb.”

Mary knew what the scripture said.  She knew what Jesus had told them.  She knew that He was to be resurrected from the dead.  Still, she went to the tomb looking to find a dead man there.  But to her amazement and astonishment, she found an empty tomb.

I prefer to say Easter is more our acknowledgement than a celebration because the empty tomb confirmed many things Jesus had told His followers would happen in the days of His life.  In John 11:25 Jesus tells Martha that her brother Lazarus will rise again from his death.  Martha responded by telling Jesus she knew that her brother would rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.  And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.  Do you believe this?” So, this Easter, why don’t you ask yourself.  Do you believe what Jesus said to Martha then?

Easter is indeed about the resurrection of Jesus, and we should acknowledge that for the greatness of the power and the love of God.  But we should celebrate too because if we believe in Christ.  The events surrounding His death and resurrection are the guarantee that though we may die, we too shall live.

We might look at Easter this way.

Easter is the time when God said enough is enough.  With the death of Jesus, man did the last thing man could do to harm or thwart the will of God.  When Jesus said, “It is finished” in some way He was simply saying, “Time’s up.”  Now all things will move according to the design of God more than the will of man.  You should acknowledge and celebrate that.

Easter is the time when God said death cannot hold those who believe in Jesus.  Death is just a place for believers to wait till morning when they are raised to an eternal life that cannot die.

Easter is the time when God said no stone can keep Him away from those He loves.  It is a time when God tells us that He wants to roll away the stones we have rolled across our lives to keep life out and death in.

Easter is the time when God said we are to live in heavenly places instead of a tomb.  It is a time for believers that say the tomb is the pathway to life.  Earthly life gives way to death so that our eternal life can be brought back from our temporary deaths.

Easter is God’s way of saying Jesus is the proof of His resurrection Power, and now it is time to prove that in your life.

With Easter, no tomb can hold us, no stone can block us, and no grave can keep us.  Death can only give way to life everlasting.

So, this Easter lets acknowledge what the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus meant for Him.  But let’s also celebrate because He is the life we all want and the resurrections we all need.  At Easter, we have lots to acknowledge and even more to celebrate.

So, get up early today.  Run on down to the tomb you have bought for your life.  There you will find He has rolled away the stone and removed your grave clothes.  Leave all your dead stuff there.  You don’t need that to live.

He has given you a new life to live here on earth because He is the Resurrection and the Life.

Have a great day!

Live a Delivered Life.  Love you.